childhood is snatched |
In india, there is a heap of begger like heap of money in swiss bank and the no. of them is increasing up.Indian railway stations, bus stands, and footpath are usually occupied by the dark future of india.There is an another branch of this exceeding dangerously is
"CHILD BEGGER".Now -a -days these child begger seems to every street, market, on the stair of temple or at every social place.child aren't agree to do this job but they are hauled by there boss it means there parents.Their childhood is snatched by whom, whose gave them birth.They use their child's begged money to fulfill there need or there interest or to smoke, drink and for gambling.child are crushed or beaten by their parents if their children begged less money.Indirect they dont need child to make their life enjoying but wants the
SLAVE in free and now govt. gives 1500 rupees to mother's family with free of charge delivery, who are below poverty line.These chidren are free
rewards of 1500 rs.For removal of this from society, first is awareness of parent and second is good policey by govt.
many govt. schools provides free education, free books, school uniform, cycles, midday meal and scholarship.there is a need of children awareness and parents understanding.
i m agree with u paresh but if see in the core of this problem what we find is the a stream of uneducated,corrupted mind peoples. so to eliminate this firstly we have to removes these nonsense